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When will football start again?

When are all sporting activities actually going to resume? I miss the games #FootBallFan

I want to know how to keep fit at home

easy food recipes to make around the world

When is the end predicted

I want ideas to how to get my 10,000 steps in my house

I want to know if schools will definitely be closed until September

I want to know more details on how to detect early signs, I.e. more specific details on symptoms. I want to know exactly what sort of sore throat it can cause, and what sort of headache etc.. the symptoms seem so vague at the moment, so its difficult to differentiate between normal cold/flu symptoms etc.

i want to know how long my income and mortgage will be protected for

I want to know any motivational tips. I find the less I do the less I want to do

Help for people who have been redundant and cant find work

something to stop the boredom at home

I want to know when the first infection was detected, and how many there have been in total worldwide.

How long is this likely to last? Working from home and home schooling = me tearing my hair out!!

I want to know the rate of spread, if it’s speeding up or slowing down and how that is going nationally and globally.

I want to know how to keep my family safe

How are people entertaining the kids indoors?

What are the realistic odds of my catching it? What should my partner do about disinfecting himself when he comes in from work?

What other things I can do other than cleaning the house and chill with netflix?

what makeshift recipes have you created while quarantined?

How high can you stack up your toilet rolls

Where are the government getting all of this money from to support people all of a sudden

Have you managed to get everything needed from the shops?

Could this happen again?

I want to know if my workplace can request me to ‘volunteer’ for them whilst I am furloughed

If a family member with a serious case of COPD has to isolate and other people in the house are isolating too so not to risk bringing the virus into the house, can they be furloughed?

what can i do to entertain children whilst in lockdown

Can we have a community on citizenme of all those who Astral Project? A survey on this topic will be a great eye opener for those who are unaware and bring relief who are going through lockdown depression.

What do you think will be the consequences of the covid-19 after the pandemic

How many hours sleep is required for a young aspiring individual? Should compulsory no re-run from political office be passed as a global norm after failure to fulfill promise to the electorate after first tenure? Is insomnia really a health issue? Should easy access for young African students to further their academics in foreign institutions be enforced in all developed countries?

When covid will end

Are you willing to be vaccinated for COVID-19?

rise your hand if you have vaccinated!!

I love citizens me app

Hi guys! I would like to ask you if you protect your webcam somehow what it's not in use thanks in advance a wish you all a lot of health! ❤️😀👋

People getting vaccination but still those people tested positive because of this many people thought there’s no difference if you getting vaccinated or not.. please motivate people to get vaccinated

How do you keep yourself to stay positive despite of pandemic?

Why do we pronounce the ride "Pirates of the Caribbean" different than if we were taking a trip to the caribbean?

When do you think the pandemic is over for good?

What is the next step for movies and concerts amidst the current pandemic?

great app come and participate

Muito bom 😃😃😃

What is the largest plant?

I love citizen me nicely done ✅✅

How has the Covid pandemic effected your mental health?

Are we all including our Indian central goverment a bunch of fools in dealing with thiss pandemic without scientific approach ?

Hi citizen people!

Did you expect something Like this coronavirus situation 2 years ago?

Will everything back to normal again?

Can you truly fall in love with someone if you cant touch them in any way.?

Will you vaccinate early?

When does Baseball? come on Cardinals

Lovely 🌹🏵️🏵️🏵️🌹

I'd love to know everyone's opinion about states removing the federal unemployment boost

I'm 34 years old living in Greece, telecommunications engineer graduated and currently working as a waiter. Will I ever be able to find the love of my life and get married and have two children?

Quando vocês acham que essa pandemia vai erminar ?

Why is America so negative.... ?? Do you believe we're at the end of days??

Gostei muito , muito legal 😁👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻

why are people so selfish in this day in time? This is when we should be sticking together. Its going to get worse. What are people going to do when they find out the covid pandemic is just a way to control us and the shot will be mandatory before we can even go get food at a grocery store, then its gonna get even worse cause they use that to make us get a chip. Its gonna get to the point where people are gonna be killing each other for food. Gas, toilet paper,etc...h point being people are gonna need each other more than ever. BE KIND TO ONE ANOTHER..HELP EACH OTHER... THANK YOU!!!

Yes Facebook app

What are the best opportunities to improve society following the covid-19 pandemic?

How many different strains of covid-19 do you think will come through before the end of2021

How well do face masks protect against Covid?

For those who are now working at home because of pandemic. If given a choice, would you like to continue working from home or would you like to work at the officeafter the pandemic?

Have you been passing time on smartphones, PCS, Laptops or working hard on your career or something valuable in this lockdown period?

What have you done to improve yourself at pandemic?

What steps could the u.s. take to address the problem with plastic? Should we outlaw it as other countries have done?

Does everyone think that you should be drug tested before you should be able too get assistance from the government?

How to see life after Covid 19 ?

Gostaria de receber as melhores pesquisas disponível thank yous!

Should "Driving Under Suspension" tickets , penalties, and fines be prohibited in rural areas or diissed for citizens, that live in an area without provided public transportation?

Do you think you are keeping the Earth healthy enough for future generations?

How are you today?

do you think vaccines will be the end of the pandemic, or the beginning of something worse.

Whats tour opinon about, people that dont like of vacin

Você tem a nova visão com relação a política do seu país após a chegada do vírus e como está sendo tratada a questão das vacinas?

How to make this world a better place to live?

How do you feel about not wearing a mask? Do you wear one? Will you continue to wear one? After vaccine?

Is there still hope for change??

Hey what about your country for covid 19 ?

We will survive!

Why are so many people so afraid to speak their mind and answer what their true feelings are. Why do they have to answer with the mojority egotistical people who only listen to media instead of facts?

I love citizen

In lockdown period how I feel better best.

Muiito bomm...

Are You happy?

The questions on vaccine didn’t include the option I was thinking “they are all the same” and the bio tech vaccines are almost the same whatever the distribution partner

What is a prairie?

Muito bom

Do you think the whole "pandemic" has been a joke?

I love research like that

How can we better the world and not destroy all that the nature builded until today? How find with the desiquality world??

I don't have any questions. Thanks!

Do you think private escooters should be legalised?

O que você está fazendo para ajudar nesse momento difícil de pandemia?

Eu adoro esse app muito legal estão de parabéns

Should Scotland be an independent country?

Se a vacina e eficaz porque tem gente morrendo de covid ,pós vacina?

How do you think covid 19 has affected wealth distribution?

Do you think because of Covid- 19 educational institutions should have more scholarships and maybe a slight increase of job salaries?

What do you think of the Covid Vaccine? I personally do not trust it because of recalls, side effects and it’s too new and experimental. Following all precautions and have not got the virus.

Adorei esta pesquisa

Should we not stop by playing with nature?? When will we open our eyes and started respecting Nature.

Poderia usar as notícias do momento para fazer as pesquisas

Your surveys are awesome and great

The questions are very good and well developed

Very Nice

Juntos venceremos o covid 19

What have you been doing to keep yourself busy during lockdowns?

Will you keep on wearing masks during flu season, even when the pandemic is over?

Did covid impact your dope habit?

Should eye health be covered in health care? Eye consultations, eye tests, prescription eyeglasses and laser surgery

How can you miss someone you have never met

Do you still believe Covid 19 will wash away ?

Does anyone think that there will be something else that will come out next time other than the covid

What specifically you guys think our government need to focus more after this pandemic ?

I have a doubt . government officials say that the protection of the corona virus is prevented with a mask and because people are still dying.

I don't have a question to ask!

Yes, excellent app


How does the Pandemic Covid-19 made you see the change around you and do you see the world differently because of it if yes the share your opinion on it?

who do you think is the happiest person in the world?

What do you want to do now?

I am very grateful for the opportunity to be able to contribute with my opinions

Sério que vocês são o melhor aplicativo de hoje em dia?


what you learned during the lockdown ?

Y isn't the covid-19 been found a solution quite. Yet.

Muito obrigado pela oportunidade que vocês me deram isso vai me ajuda muito ☺️ agradeço muito

Je voudrais que nous en ayons tous fini avec la COVID19


Would you wear mask and use sanitizers after you take COVID19 vaccination?

Love you citizencme

Boa noite é um emenso prazer fazer dessa história vencedora e tão gloriosa que é A CITIEN ME

Como a política do Brasil está sendo vista em outros países?

Como vocês estão passando a pandemia e o que acham dela ?

What do you think about the current situation in Brazil?

How do you see India as a country after this mass corona outbreak?

What are the precautions about corona we must take after vaccination.

What do you think about the cryptocurrency in the future?

How the COVID 19 came to our lives?

How you utilised time in lockdown.

Do you think the UK should implement a universal basic income?

Do you prefer face-to-face instruction better than remote learning?

I'm afraid of the long-term side effects of the vaccine, what is your thinking about it?

What should we do to have a different future?

What should we do to have a different future?

Give me more survey about my activity

If the pandemic was starting today, would you act the same way you did or would you change something?

If you would given a chance to talk to someone who would it be and why?

What Will the world look like after the Corona Vírus? Will the people be the sane?

How do you feel about people not wearing masks in public?

Should drug addiction treatment be free?

Como está sua vida familiar agora com essa pandemia mundial? Uniu ou separou seu laços familiares?

My question that I would appreciate you guys posting would be: "Do you think that the world would be a safer & more pleasant place to live if there was stricter gun control?? Or should they make it harder for someone to be able to obtain a gun?? Or should they completely ban the use of guns in general??"

What would you do to change the world?

Do you think, if a person believes what makes them happy is a sin, can they ever really be truly happy?

what would you do if the world you live in now turned "upside down" because of disease and politics...

What's the best thing to do to end this pandemic?

What makes you happy through this covid times?

What are you thinking about Corona pandemic

Would you like free education?

Why do you think Africa is poor?

Vocês acham que tudo vai voltar ao normal depois da Covid 19?

Are we to dependent on Chinese supply chain?

O que as pessoas podem obter de lição positiva com este sofrimento da Pandemia?

Do you think you should get vaccinated while pregnant?

Are you living a real life , not pretending who you really are?

great quiz I loved it, hope to have more questions soon

Is it necessary to take vaccine of covid19 if you already had infected ?

When covid is controlled, where will be the first place you want to go for a ride?

I loved the app, it would be even better if there were more quizzes

How do I answer more questions?

Você se sente mais protegido com as vacinas pra Covid-19?

Love it

When are we getting the merlin arts in museums?

Eu estou gostando desse aplicativo

What would 3 things you'd do if you were a ghost?

Do you feel cheated that big crowds were a loud at Wembley and Wimbledon but not in theatres?

What is the most important thing in your life? - Family - Pets - Money - Career - All the above - None of the above - Prefer not to answer Etc..

with this wave will we survive?

Are you now more confident to go outside after getting inoculated ?

Country? Do you approve of the government's role in combating the corona virus?

What does "normal" mean to you?

Oque você acha que mudou em si depois da Covid?

What do you think will happen with the taxation of big tech?

How much has the current pandemic affected your life?

Europa 2020

Gostei 😍👏👏👏👏👍👍👍👍

The way this World is today, Do you really feel it's safe or even right to bring children into it today?

Why does everyone think they know what's best for you and your children, why can't people mind there own business and take care of their own lives instead of trying to take over others

Está pandemia trouxe alguma novidade no seu dia a dia? O que vc aprimorou ao conviver com os acontecimentos global diante de uma pandemia?

What is the name of your first pet?

When covid-19 will go out of our globe?

What is the 1st semi-final match of Euro Cup ?

Does the environment we live in affect height growth?

when will we all be freed from this new virus?

I think who will take the golden boot of the euro 2020 and Cristiano Ronaldo because he has more goals so far

hi i'm new to the site hope to gain some knowledge here

I would like to know what are some of the coolest/weirdest things people have found and where have they found them?(,jewlery, winning lottery ticket, old photos, ect.)

Muito útil!

What's your mood today?

good morning everyone

O que você espera no futuro próximo e nessa geração...

When we free from Covid it's possible or live with them.

How much do you care about the environment?

Which composer would you rather listen to while on your deathbed, Mozart or Beethovan?

What did you learn again from this pandemic

How many hours would you like to work per week to be efficient and have perfect personal life and still be paid for full time.

What is the one thing you think should have been done during the Covid Outbreak?

Bolsonaro needs to be canceled

What does this “global lockdown” consist of?


How we gonna be in ten years?

What is one thing positive in your life that happened to you in 2020?

In your own opinion, do you think nanotechnology will make the world a better place?

God question

What will be the economical impact of Movie 19?

What color comes into your mind right now?

Is there gonna be another lock down due to Delta

what is your goal in life?

if you could, would you end hunger or wars?

I like the world of my opinion , more with the current crisis in the world , I get a little money using the app, I wanted to know , because there are so many searches that I have

What was your strongest Aha moment?

This apps is very unique,Why?, Because I realized life is very important

Why culture is needed

‘When the going gets tough, the tough gets going’ what does this proverb mean?

Can loan stress of repayment can be ease for people who is jobless due to Pandimec?

If one day you woke up with enough money to help the world, would you rather help restore forests or the ocean?

Should Trump be arrested and thrown in prison for causing over 600,000 deaths in the USA because they could have prevented it easily.

Brazil poderá um dia da corrupção.e da pobreza?

When will covid-19 waves stops

Are you happy with your current house?

Why isn't there any help for the ones that die from Covid? My mother just died Monday and we can't even have a funeral all we could afford was to cremate her. But yet all these people with kids get all this extra money not the ones with the kids that died like mine and my mother. No help for us.

How do behave when you're in front of people Who think totaly opposite to you?

How much does corona had affected the middle & lower class families.

Do you think African American people deserve equal rights and reparations!? If not explain why you feel this way.

If you knew you are infected with a killer virus, would you.. stay home to prevent spreading disease until you die alone? Or go out and live your life not carring about others safety but it’s important to enjoy ur life before you die?

What's your dream destination?

What would your ideal job be? And how much would you like to be paid?

O que falta pro mundo ser melhor na sua opinião ?

What kind of situation (cliche or not) do you completely hate in fiction books?

Do you think we should have population control all over the world?

What are your views on your local state ran department of child safety? Do they have too much power in court?


Do you feel that the schools in your community did an adequate job of providing your child with an education that is equivalent to or comparative to the education they would have gotten had the classrooms never been affected?

how many communities are there on this citizencme platform

I'm not a very good writer I don't put the quotation marks where their supposed to be anyways does 1 meaning in one country come the same meaning for like one word and every country and or state like for example don't judge a book by its cover got me curious now so would something like don't judge a book by its cover mean the same thing in different countries or state?

Would you rather live in the United States or anywhere else?

If you could shake hands with one person and thank them for one thing who and what would it be?

Life is very short. So do you think you are living it the way you love?

Do you Recycle? Answer choices : °I recycle as much as possible °I try to recycle as much as can but don't always get everything °I recycle at work where there's a separate spot for recycling but not at home °I don't make the effort to recycle °Other ___________________

Do you think white people are the minority race? (Meaning less white people and more people of other races in the United States)

I enjoy the lockdown not have to be around people

What we should do to save the planet?

Do you like to rewview apps in play store?

What do you think about anti-vaxxers?

As life changes in the uk after the pandemic will we see a rise in emigration in the next few years?

This is in regards to the baby on the front of the Nirvana CD, he is reaching for a dollar. Does anyone agree that he should be able to sue for a lifetime of torchure due to his private area showing?

I wish for win I want to form A theatre

Do you believe that the covid19 vaccine helps?

Do you think we’ll have another lockdown

Do you understand all the different genders

Is university worth all the debt

Will humanity find a way to live with climate change?

How many people have had their "other half" go outside of the relationship on the internet? How many have found their "other half" on exclusive websites looking outside the relationship for "other things" ? Dear Citizen me, you can word these how youd like if it makes it on .. I believe you understand what I am trying to ask here. -Samantha-

Are you continuing with the same career or job before the pandemic started?

Is global warming a threat ?

Do you believe that the world is heading in the right direction?

What will happen to Afghanistan?

Are you buying cryptocurrency?

What is the best way to reintroduce yourself to a lifelong friend after traumatic brain injury? Not sure if he's ready for written communication yet.

what do you think a country's government should do when a family in a developed country has little more than the national minimum wage?

Have you heard about how synthetic medical data can be used for research, and solves the risk to privacy?

Do you think babies born during pandemic should be target as pandemic babies?

What will you do if you don't know what to do on the future

Did online businesses ever grow in the pandemic?

What was the best thing about lockdown?

Is it okay to doubt your own decision?

Did your consumption of alkohol, cigarettes, and ANY other drogs increased during pandemic? Thank you all for honest response. I really appreciate it! Best, Hana.

Does keeping gratitude in our minds and heart make us more happy?

Do you think that money buy happyness?

How could people stand all the problems, stress and anxiety during this pandemic?

What is the best diet to get shredded

Would you survive going back in time 50 years

What does the "new normal" look like for you?

Muito eu gostei ansiosa por mais questionarios ..

How often do people use this app in a week?

What is empathy for you? If we aren’t empathetic the world will disappear!!!

Is it possible to fall in love again after suffering a heartbreak?

How does Covid-19 pandemic made you down in life?

which is the greatest frustration for what is happening on our planet.

POSSIBLE Question(s) 1. Has your view on the coronavirus changed ? 2. What has challenged you the most ? 3. What is your favorite book title or subject to read about ? This are just some ideas. Can't wait to hear back from you.

do you believe in intelligent alien life?

Except western and english speaking world, Democracy has not done any extra ordinary in the ( most ) nations and people. Do you think there must be another system better than this for the places where democracy seems to or already failed?

What do you prefer, presencial education or virtual education?

What are the chances that life exists on the planets in distant galaxies?

What are you willing to give up right now to save the planet?

Quais são as espécies em extinção no Brasil?

Ola de éxitos en sus actividades diarias y que se pueda hacer una buena jornada de trabajo

Online dating is now a new norm. do you feel if online dating has higher possibility to end up married?

What color is the White House?

Why does being readily available seem to push men away

Es increíble

What's the first word ever texted in the US

How do you get rid of paranoia? Anxiety? And also how do you stop worrying or thinking that everyone is talking about you or out to get you? Help!

I loved answering your questions, I thought it was nice to see the percentage of the answer, I would like to spend hours answering.

What can we do to protect our children ?

In covid time. How has the government benefited?

Qual a estimada população do planeta terra

What is the estimate of human life 10 years from now on planet earth?

Do you belive there should be laws regarding lying ?

Com esses almentos. Das coisas como alimentos. Tudo ficando cada dia mais caro. Uma luga honde o amor ao procimo esta se acabando. Sera que estamos procimo a 3 gerra mindial..

If everything is back to normal what will be your first thing or activity going to do?

I Needham work in Internet. I need money. Van you help me. I have 61 Years old. Live OneCare Venezuela.

O que o mundo espera pra 2021 depois do caos que a pandemia causou?

When is the best time to travel and start a new normal this pandemic?

They say now that we should eat less red meat, do you eat less red meat?

The United Nations today warned that the devastating socio-economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic will be felt for years to come unless smart investments in economic, societal and climate resilience ensure a robust and sustainable recovery of the global economy

What's the hardest part of all this Covid stuff for you?

There is a current of thought that says the covid-19 pandemic came to provoke self-knowledge in people. Do you agree with this line of thinking?

Have you ever read the Qur'an yourself or made up your mind at the behest of people?

Do you think we came out of lockdown to soon? Are you concerned we will enter another lockdown soon?

Please 🥺 include Thanksgiving in the list of holidays. I realize that the list was comprised of a vast range of holidays celebrated worldwide but the Jewish holidays & the other holiday I've never heard of took the place of Thanksgiving & that's just weird. Thank you for reading this.

Thank you for all citizen me team

Good, Nature and pets

Hello people

Are you paying more for groceries post Covid19?

I love my kids

Well I feel that the world against me no one had support me even my family Can someone give me some advices I really need it

What do you think of children vacation?

How did you survive financially during covid?

Do you believe on the existence of unicorns million of years a go!

Very good and knowledge based

Has your favorite color changed over the years ?

When media will stop about false news?

Have you ever saved money online?

What qualities do you look at when finding a partner

Do you believe you have the ability to influence the universe in a positive way by change of your energy?

How are the 2000 kids different to the 1976 kids?

Thank you. Best platform to share our thoughts and earn money

Which city with the highest population index in the world?

What is your favourite Disney movie?

Do you celebrate Halloween?

What do you think cryptocurrencies are a good investment in the short or long term?

Wonderful. Love it.

I love this

How to extinguish coronavirus

Do you feel all "free" data is really free?

What would you change about yourself in your next life?

Has this pandemic brought a positive impact in your country and your personal life?

Hello ladies and gentleman

Why can't we all live loving in this time of crisis

how big is mont everest?

Do you feel it's proper to tip the bartender at a bowling alley/arcade after ordering with her but you have a waitress also at your lane?

Should waitresses have to tip out the bartender at the end of shift? They make 85% of your drinks. If you answered no then do you think it's fare then if your drink order is passed over till the bartenders finished with the customers at the bar?

Should parents be involved as committees and decision makers in Education Policy?

Would you give up having a kind, good, loving soul so you could be physically attractive?

What do you think about global warming?

Good day citizenme management, please I'd love to know how much of my data is being deducted daily and if I get paid for it. Thank you.

If internet will be shut down in whole world for a week, what will you do?

What types of apps do you use for extra income? Gig, job boards, MIcroinvesting, surveys, data selling, games, crypto mining, casino, other's?

Is it the polices' responsibility to protect you?

When everyone else feels that it is okay to disrespect another, where is that "line in the sand" and what is an acceptable reaction to such line being crossed?

The question I have is, do you feel more optimistic about the future now or what you did 20 years ago? Or, 10 years ago, whichever is better I'm not sure.

I have several ideas a la eco friendly power generation and would like to talk about these ideas in a community oriented sort of way

Do you think that there is ANY hope for this world in regards to Climate Change,World Peace and an End to Greed and Hunger?

This app is Amazing💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗, I will prefer to share about this amazing app and, ask to join my friends.lots of love

If your in , mid life and Doing a job that doesn’t make you happy , but you don’t know what your purpose is - what do u do stick with it or risk it all for something unknown

How do you acknowledge self worth?

Do you believe that humanity and the world can change for the better?

What is your favorite place to visit? Why you choose this place? What memories about this place you have?

Myers Briggs

Do you treat your animals the same as you treat your children?

Do you believe that the 2020 Presidential election was stolen from Donald J Trump?

Do you think unemployment emergency be if it’s should be reopened?

Why is it difficult to find a true friend?

#1. How about favorite Asian Actors. Four choices from Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Filipino. Age btw 20 - 50yo Action, Drama, Comedy, Male & Female actors

If digital citizens always rely on 3rd party digital infrastructure, could or would or should hosting a (little ) bit, e.g. a small cell, or a smart meter or an edge compute, give citizens an essential voice and stake in digital space

what will you do if you have the supernatural power?

I love it!

I love citizenme

Why we feel stressed always. Why we have busy life

What would you do if you knew someone was being physically and emotionally abused and had no way of getting themselves out of the situation they are in? Would you try and help them or turn your eye?

Which crypto do you invest in?

What is your most memorable moment?

How do you handle antiety?

If you could be anything or anyone in the world, who or what would you choose to be?

I love your app

Do you compare my answers to my personality type, then create stats out of it? Or do you just use and pass on the raw data without prediction or interpretation of this data?

To be or not to be?

Do you believe in population control?

What's country you​ like to​ first​ after​ Covid gone?

If both spouse work in the same office and the wife earn more than the husband and one of them is asked to resign , who should be the person to resign , recall the man is the head of the house and he must always provide for the family needs .

Please guide me to know more about citicizen me

Why world so unfair?

Anything to help 4 week old puppies sleep through the night?

Why do parents think their behavior is the right behavior for their children.

The goal is to die with memories, not dreams

What social stigma does society have to get over?

Have we gained more Camaraderie and brotherhood since the appearance of the coronavirus?

Are you an ethical person?

Do you think life was better before so much technology came about?

I love citizenship in India

Should one stick to its own culture or change according to situations?

What do you think of the Activision take over by Microsoft good or bad?

Do you believe that the world will have a single government?

Is home-schooled education better than state education?

Was the world a better place with less technology and social media?

Do u thin robots will take over mankind's word?

If you had to listen to just one more song for the rest of your life, which one would you choose?

If you had the opportunity to have any skill what would it be? (Nothing supernatural, mind reading or fictional)

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