CitizenMe COVID-19 Community
Hi, welcome to the CitizenMe COVID-19 community. This is an open research project, designed by - and for - the people, to help us all share information, and to tackle COVID-19, together.
The knowledge shared here is conducted in real-time on the CitizenMe platform. 250,000 people, around the world with the CitizenMe app, share data, information, and answers to questions anonymously. The results are shared openly with Institutions, health organisations, researchers, journalists, charities – and with you, the general public.
We also provide links to other apps and to services that are assisting in the fight against this pandemic. Open digital knowledge helps us all.
If you have questions you’d like to see answers to, or insights you think could be revealed from the data, we’d love to hear from you. Comment below or email us at
We believe that, together, we can tap into the “wisdom of crowds” to fight Coronavirus faster, better and to save lives.