COVID-19 UK: Vulnerable Groups During This Pandemic

Base: 1507 UK app-based citizens

Male/Female: 30%/70%18-24/25-34/35-44/45-54/55+: 12%/41%/30%/12%/4%

Using the CitizenMe platform, we went out to our COVID-19 community, which is an open-data research project designed to enable the world's citizens to share real-time opinions and data about COVID-19 with the institutions fighting the Epidemic.

Those who are taking medication for underlying conditions

Question: Do you currently take any regular medication for any underlying medical condition?

The older you are, the more likely the need to take regular medication for an underlying medical condition.

Since the COVID-19 outbreak, those who do take regular medication for an underlying medical condition say they are: - 

  • More likely to be struggling to get prescriptions

  • More likely to have cancelled appointments

  • More likely to struggle to get an appointment

These individuals have tried to contact their Local GP more than average (36% vs 22%). However, they are no more likely to call 111.

The 1.5M UK citizens who were asked to isolate

Question: Are you one of the 1.5M UK citizens that have been contacted by the NHS/local authorities and told to isolate (stay indoors) for a period of 12 weeks?

  • Around 10% (134) of our sample say they are one of the 1.5M UK citizens who have been contacted by the NHS/local authorities and told to isolate (stay indoors) for a period of 12 weeks;

  • 80% of this group say they have been allocated correctly, with 16% saying they have not;

  • However, within this group, only 52% say they are confident in the NHS/local authority providing them with full support through this difficult time;

  • This group is twice as likely than average to have called 111 (21% vs 10%);

  • There is less disagreement for ‘there is enough protective equipment available for NHS workers’ (65% vs 76%);

  • They agree more than average that ‘the Government is doing enough to support NHS workers’ (35% vs 30%).

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  • Choose to share with the global community
  • Create knowledge that can help save lives
  • Support the services that are keeping us all safe